Sponsor Our Team


The race is on March 18th!

Help support Crossroads and keep our crucial services RUNNING!!!

המירוץ התחיל!

If you wish to make a donation in Dollars:

To give by Israeli credit card, click on the Paypal link below:

**note: If you have an American Paypal account you may need to contact Paypal before they will accept a credit card from another country.

If you are not able to join our team or sponsor a runner, you can still make a quick and easy donation.

  1. Donate $5/20nis
  2. Donate $10/40nis
  3. Donate $50/200nis
  4. Donate $100/400nis
  5. Donate $150/600nis
  6. Donate $200/800/nis
  7. Donate $250/1000/nis
  8. OTHER


Donate to Team Crossroads Now